payment disequilibrium câu
This disequilibrium gives rise to a series of symptoms.Sự mất cân bằng này gây ra một loạt các biến chứng. (Compared to other measures...

disequilibrium price
But prices adjust slower than output because people don’t know what the disequilibrium price is.Nhưng giá cả điều chỉnh chậm hơn so với...

economic disequilibrium
It destroyed the wealth of the more solid elements in German society: and it left behind a moral and economic disequilibrium, apt breed...

payments disequilibrium
The IMF permitted rate movements greater than 1 percent only for countries in "fundamental balance of payments disequilibrium" and only...

for payment
You will be responsible for payment of any delivery charges; andBạn sẽ chịu trách nhiệm pháp lý cho mọi khoản Thuế; 2.3.1 Who is respo...

I made a reasonable payment plan like you told me to.Em đã làm một kế hoạch trả nợ hợp lý như chị nói. I can't afford a down payment o...

acceptance of payment
Still, businesses in the country ‘have already begun acceptance of payment for goods and services in cryptocurrencies’, the report adde...

additional payment
We will be adding additional payment methods shortly.Chúng tôi sẽ sớm bổ sung thêm các phương thức thanh toán mới. We will be adding a...

advance payment
At the same time you should send an advance payment of 90 euros.Ngoài ra, họ còn phải chịu thêm 90 triệu euro phụ phí. Russian officia...

against payment
documents against acceptance and documents against payment.documents against acceptance tài liệu chống lại sự chấp nhận 2010, against ...

anticipated payment
In order to confirm your seat, full anticipated payment is required.Để tiến hành đặt chỗ cho thời gian lưu trú của bạn, thanh toán đầy ...

assistance payment
The RSO addresses allowable rent increases, the registration of rental units, legal reasons for eviction, and the causes for eviction r...

automatic payment
The cancellation notice is required to stop automated payments.Chọn Cancel Automatic Payments để ngưng việc thanh toán tự động. AWeber ...

back payment
So it’s a suggestion the simple fact that job seekers should cover the whole back payment date to receive away from extra demand.Vì vậy...

balance of payment
balance of international payments, balance of paymentscán cân thanh toán quốc tế the international balance of payments That could creat...

bonus payment
Now, what was that bonus payment?Vậy còn tiền trả thêm thì sao? You will receive the bonus payment as long as your partners remain act...

cash payment
We make the instant cash payment on the spot.+ Chúng tôi tiến hành thanh toán tiền mặt ngay tại chỗ. Wainscott Financial Scholarship: ...

claim for payment
Form of a claim for payment of customs duties, see Order of the FCS of Russia № 2711 30.12.2010 cityHình thức của hóa đơn thanh toán th...

claim payment
Complete the Request for Claim Payment form using black ink.Hoàn tất Yêu cầu với đơn Thanh toán theo Khiếu nại khi sử dụng mực đen. Ho...

clearing payment
Please note we never send the items before clearing payment.Xin lưu ý rằng chúng tôi không bao giờ gửi hàng cho đến khi nhận được thanh...

compensation payment
Our client received a compensation payment of £18,700.Khách hàng trả nợ đã gởi vào NH 18.700 Mr. A was hardly convinced of the rejecti...

compensatory payment
The Archdiocese of Los Angeles, along with five other California dioceses, established May 14 an independently managed compensation pro...

coupon payment
Coupon payments: A bond’s interest payments.By the way, định nghĩa của coupon payment là: A bond's interest payments. The coupon rate de...

currency of payment
Acceptable currency of payment: USDTiền tệ Thanh toán Được chấp nhận: USD Currency of payment: BWPTiền tệ: BWP The column 13 indicate...

current payment
“We cannot continue with our current payment system.“Chúng tôi không thể sống với mức lương hiện tại. Apply for a payment plan immediat...